KARUN History & Philosophy
KARUN History
The first KARUN company was founded on 03 November 1989 as an engineering and consulting company in Ankara based on a long experience in European Construction Industry. The main business activity of the company had then comprised of general trading and servicing of construction equipment machinery, components and spare parts.
Starting with 1990, following the acquisition of new dealerships of construction machinery, KARUN Engineering Ltd, have steadily expanded into an internationally accepted distributorship and consulting company.
Fully aware of the need for diversification, the company management also interested in different lines of business, however, firmly believing in diversification only in familiar fields of business, KARUN has been specialised in Dealership of Foundation and Drilling Equipment, Lifting and Heavy Transport Systems, Derivative products related to these equipment. In addition, sticking to the same specialization, an important business field for KARUN is local production and exports of tools, components, parts and other related products.
KARUN Philosophy
KARUN, have essentially adopted the philosophy for striving to achieve the highest output without sacrificing from quality in the services provided within its frame and Country conditions.
As the company could only be as good as the quality of its Employees, KARUN, with the aim of increasing the quality of Work Force Rather than Quantity, KARUN has endeavored to employ the highest quality staff in the organization and to provide continuously in house trainings for this quality staff who are mostly engineers.
As the firm belief and established practice, rather than pursuing an aggresive growth strategy, KARUN has settled for the conservative, slow but safe and sure development of the company over a longer period of time.
From the beginning, KARUN have (has) set high objectives to skeep its leader position in respective fields of activity through provision of first-class service, commitment to excellence, establishment and maintenance of strong business relationships internationally as well as locally and continued performance of a young and energetic staff at the highest level.